Four Phases of Anticipatory Grief for Pets

Grief comes in many shapes and is not only felt after a loved one passes. Anticipatory grief is the deep, complex emotions we experience in the days, months, or even years leading up to the loss of someone precious to us. When it comes to our pets, this may involve grappling with the heartache of knowing their time with us is limited, while cherishing the moments we still have together.

Four Phases of Anticipatory Grief for Pets:

1. Accepting the Inevitable

This phase begins with the understanding that your pet’s journey is coming to an end. It’s natural to feel a deep sadness or even moments of helplessness as you begin to process this truth.

2. Feeling Concern for Your Pet

In this phase, you might reflect on what could have been different or wish you had more time together. These feelings often stem from the immense love and care you hold for your furry companion.

3. Rehearsing the Goodbye

This stage focuses on preparing for your pet’s passing. It may involve thinking about how to say goodbye in a way that feels meaningful, offering them comfort, and ensuring they feel surrounded by love.

4. Imagining Life Without Them

In this phase, you may start to envision what life will look like after they’re gone. This can feel overwhelming but also opens the space to think about how their memory will continue to bring warmth and joy to your life.

We understand the pain. Please feel free to reach out for advice around when is the right time to say goodbye, or how to best commemorate your pet before they are ready to cross the rainbow bridge.


Grief vs. Mourning: (For Adults & Kids)


Heartfelt Activities to Prepare You Before Saying Goodbye To Your Pet