Pet Loss Support
Seeking help is a sign of strength - find below services that are here to support you through your grief journey
Pet Loss & Grief Support Contacts Australia and in VIC
For pet lovers, it's no secret that saying goodbye to your beloved pet can be more heartbreaking than saying goodbye to a person. Unfortunately, not everyone gets this. But remember, you're not alone in your grief—a whole community of pet owners feels the same way. Pets have an amazing way of bringing us all together. Dr Taylah is trying to keep the community together through Instagram @vet.taylah and her Facebook Pet Loss Support page. Your feelings are valid, your grief is real, and you are not alone.
If you or someone you know needs support, please reach out to the pet grief and loss support networks listed below. If you or someone you know is in a life threatening situation - make not hesitation to call 000.
Pet - Specific Grief Support:
Pet Loss Support Hotline (University of Melbourne): (03) 9731 2004 (Business Hours)
Pets and People (Australia-wide pet loss counselling): 1300 431 450
Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Grief Center: Online resources and support groups
Mental Health Support in Victoria:
GriefLine (Australia-wide with specific services for Victoria): 1300 845 745 (6am to Midnight)
Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) Helpline: 1300 643 287 (9am to 5pm)
SuicideLine Victoria: 1300 651 251 (24/7 Counselling and Support)
Parentline Victoria: 13 22 89 (8am to Midnight)
Mental Health Support Australia Wide:
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 (24/7 Support Service)
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 (24/7 Counselling for Suicidal Thoughts)
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 (24/7 Support for Young People)